ドメーヌ・トプノ・メルム / マゾワイエール・シャンベルタン・グラン・クリュ 2002
The Mazoyères-Chambertin wine is deep-colored and posses intense aromatic bouquet reminiscent of blackcurrants and the berries of other little red and black fruits, the animal smells of musk and fur, and often licorice when the wines have matured. It gives very concentrated wines due to the very small berries.
Pairing: The powerful flavor and perfumes of the Mazoyères Chambertin require quite elaborate and strong-tasting food: the leg of mutton, bœuf bourguignon, jugged game, chicken in wine, game pâtés; strong cheeses excluding the blue-veined ones.
Ideal serving temperature: 13-14°C
Varietal: 100% Pinot Noir

18世紀からブドウを栽培する家系で育ったジャン・トプノとドゥニーズ・メルムが、1963年の結婚を機にドメーヌを開始。双方の先祖から所有する樹齢60年の古樹を含め、ニュイとボーヌに13ヘクタールの畑を所有しています。 テロワールを重視し、複雑でピュアな味わいを追求。ワインの真髄であるフィネスとエレガンスを映し出す果実の凝縮度はすべて畑仕事からという理念ですべてにおいて丁寧な作業を行います。2001年からオーガニック栽培を行い、今では7世代目の兄妹もチームに加わり、家族代々ブドウ栽培の歴史を引き継いでいます。
Sitting in the heart of the prestigious Burgundy terroir, the Taupenot-Merme Domaine planted its roots in Morey Saint Denis and extends over 13 hectares in the Côte de Nuits and Côte de Beaune.
Although the present-day Domaine was born of the encounter and marriage in 1963 of Jean Taupenot, originally from Saint Romain, and Denise Merme, from Morey Saint Denis, its history goes back several centuries. The origin of this family, winegrowing tradition dates back to the 18th century.
Since 2005, the Domaine has produced 19 appellations in Pinot Noir and Chardonnay on almost 13 hectares, with 4 Grands Crus (great vintage), 6 Premiers Crus (first vintage), 7 “villages” and 3 wines with a regional designation. These wines seek to express the finesse and typical characteristics of the terroir, in order to create a unique product every time.
The vineyards have been cultivated organically since 2001. The Domaine Taupenot-Merme exports approximately 80% of its production to over 30 countries worldwide.
Virginie, born in 1971, is responsible for the administrative and commercial side of the Domaine. She has been the president of the association “Femmes et Vins de Bourgogne” since July 2008.
Romain, born in 1966, is responsible for the vinification. He also looks after other commercial markets. They represent the seventh generation, respecting the family tradition and being attentive to development necessary in order to respond to the new challenges of the 21st century.
⇢その他のDomaine Taupenot-Merme