ダイシ―兄弟にとってワインは縁が深いものです。彼らの父ロビンは、セントラル・オタゴを代表するワイナリー、マウント・ディフィカルティ(Mt Difficulty)の立ち上げに尽力しました。ジェームスと父親は、この地域のブドウ畑の半分以上を開発、管理しており、最近までマットがマウント・ディフィカルティでチーフ・ワインメーカーを務めておりました。
優れたワインのバランスを常に追求する兄弟は、倫理的なブドウ栽培と最小限のワイン醸造技術を組み合わせています。彼らの生産するワインのほとんどは、単一畑のワインとして瓶詰めされ、土地のエッセンスが強く感じられます。また、各ヴィンヤードから少量の樽を組み合わせ、「その年への頌歌 」ともいえるコンポジションを造り上げています。
Dicey is an exciting new wine label from Central Otago, New Zealand. The brand is headed by Bannockburn wine legends brothers James and Matt Dicey.
Wine runs deep for the Diceys. Their father, Robin, was instrumental in starting leading Central Otago winery Mt Difficulty. Together, James and his father have developed or managed more than half of the region’s vineyards, and until recently, Matt was chief winemaker at Mt Difficulty.
Grapes were first planted in Bannockburn in the 1860s by a French goldminer. Windblown and stony, the land is unforgiving. Summer days are long, hot, and tinder dry. In autumn the nights are cold. In winter they are bitter.
The fruit for the Dicey wines comes from three family-owned vineyards, totalling 12.25-ha: The Inlet, which drapes over a terrace of deep river gravel; Black Rabbit, which sits on ancient bedrock; and Swansong, a steep vineyard of eroded gravel and clay. Pinot noir, pinot gris, riesling, chardonnay, chenin blanc and gamay are grown. Dicey is currently in conversion to organic certification with BioGrow NZ.
Always striving for balance in their excellent wines, the brothers combine ethical viticulture with minimalist winemaking techniques. Most of their production is bottled as single-vineyard offerings that have a very strong essence of place. A small number of barrels from each vineyard are also combined to create a composition “An ode to the year”.

Dicey / Bannockburn Chardonnay 2022