Domaines des Jeunes Pousses
ボージョレの中心部、ムーラン・ア・ヴァンから数キロ離れた美しいエメランジュ村に位置するドメーヌ・デ・ジューヌ・プースは、2019年に設立されたユニークなドメーヌです。ブルゴーニュの著名なワインメーカー、ティボー・リジェ・ベレールの発案によるもので、新進気鋭の若いワインメーカーの職業見習いとしての役割を果たすことを目標に構想されたエキサイティングなプロジェクトとなっています(「Jeunes Pousses」とは「若い芽」という意味)。2人の若者が3年間ドメーヌを実地で管理する機会を与えられ、その間、ブドウ畑の管理からワイン醸造、セールス&マーケティング、財務管理まで、生産のあらゆる側面を完全に担います。現在は、ユーゴ・フォイゼルとアンジェラ・クイブリエの後を継いで、ジュリエット・ルモーとタイス・ラミーが務めています。
Located in the beautiful village of Émeringes, a few kilometers from Moulin à Vent in the heart of Beaujolais, Domaine des Jeunes Pousses is a unique estate founded in 2019. It is the brainchild of Thibault Liger-Belair, the renowned Burgundian winemaker - an exciting project conceived with the goal of serving as a vocational apprenticeship for budding young winemakers (“Jeunes Pousses” means “young shoots”). Two young people are given the the opportunity to manage the domaine hands-on for three years, during which time they assume full control of all aspects of production - from vineyard management to winemaking, sales & marketing and financial management - before embarking on their own projects with a new team arriving to take their place. Today, the resident duo is Juliette Lumeau and Thaïs Lamy, succeeding Hugo Foizel and Angela Quiblier.
Equipment to work the vineyards, a wine cellar with the basic tools for winemaking, and ageing and storage facilities are provided to the young custodians, who benefit from the council and guidance of Thibault. The only stipulation is that they must keep the domaine organic. Planted exclusively to gamay, the estate’s vineyard comprises 5.4 ha and is made up of seven small plots with diverse soil compositions. It is farmed organically (certified) with biodynamics practiced. Biodynamic practices are also integrated into the wine regime, which is in the natural style. Fermentations are spontaneous, and there is minimal use of additives.
Authentic and pure expression of the Beaujolais terroir, born from an exciting philanthropic initiative.

Domiane des Jeunes Pousses / Beaujolais Villages Replat de Vavre 2022

Domiane des Jeunes Pousses / Beaujolais Villages Aux Chenes 2022