00 Wines
オレゴン州、ウィラメット・ヴァレーに位置する00 ワインズ(ダブルゼロ・ワインズ)は、2013年にクリス&キャサリン・ヘルマン夫妻によって設立されました。同地区最古のブドウが植わる畑から収穫されるシャルドネ、ピノ・ノワールを使い、少量生産の卓越したクオリティーのワインを造っています。さらに、ブルゴーニュとシャンパーニュでもワインを造るプロジェクトが進行中です。
Situated in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, 00 Wines was established in 2013 and is owned by Chris and Kathryn Hermann. With a focus on small-production, ultra-luxury Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, they source premium fruit from a variety of iconic, heritage vineyards, including the oldest in the Willamette Valley. They also have wine projects in Burgundy and Champagne.
Combining tradition and innovation, the winemaking techniques at 00 Wines include amphora fermentation for the Pinot Noirs and the Black Chardonnay method for the Chardonnays. This traditional Burgundian method of extreme pressing extracts more phenolics and fine particulates from the fruit, creating savoury and complex Chardonnays with superb aging potential.
Having rapidly attained cult status, 00 Wines is renowned for their extremely elegant, richly textured world-class wines, including the intense Coche Dury-like statement Chardonnays. In 2019, in a ranking of more than 3,000 American wines, James Suckling recognised just one Oregon Chardonnay in the Top 100 USA Wines of 2019 – the 2017 Willamette Valley Eola-Amity Hills Freya Hermann Cuvée.

00 Wines / Chehalem Mountain Pinot Noir 2021

00 Wines / Kathryn Hermann Cuvee Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Chehalem Mountain Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Freya Hermann Cuvee Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / EGW Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Seven Springs Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Hyland Pinot Noir 2021

【お一人様1本まで】00 Wines / Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 2020

00 Wines / Kathryn Hermann Cuvee Chardonnay 2021

00 Wines / VGW Chardonnay 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Chehalem Mountain Chardonnay 2021

00 Wines / Freya Hermann Cuvee Chardonnay 2021

00 Wines / VGR Pinot Noir 1500ml 2021

00 Wines / Shea Pinot Noir 2021

00 Wines / Seven Springs Chardonnay 2021