Il Palagio
Il Palagio / Baci sulla Bocca Vermentino 2020
イル・パラジオ / バチ・スッラ・ボッカ・ヴェルメンティーノ 2020
生産国/Nation: イタリア/Italy
地域/Region: トスカーナ/Toscana
ヴェルメンティーノ 100%
Il Palagio
イル・パラジオの歴史は1500年代中盤までさかのぼり、1819年にサン・クレモン公爵の未亡人、カルロッタ・バルボラーニ伯爵婦人が土地を購入。以後150年以上、代々家族に受け継がれ、ワイン、オイル、小麦、とうもろこし、テンサイ、桃、アプリコットと チェリーを生産してきました。1999年に現在の所有者であるスティングと妻トゥルーディがエステートを入手。オーガニックやバイオダイナミックを取り入れ数年に渡り、高品質なオリーブオイルとハチミツ、ワイン生産に注力しています。ワイン愛好家や批評家から高い評価を受けており、″シスタームーン″はワイン・スペクター誌においてイタリアトップ100のワインに選ばれました。
Il Palagio dates back to the mid-1500s, and from its very beginnings, it was an agricultural property. In the late 1700s, the Martelli family purchased the property, which grew in size with their prosperity. In 1819 it was sold to the Countess Carlotta Barbolani of Montauto, widow of the Duke of San Clemente, and remained in the family’s hands for more than 150 years, producing wine, oil, wheat, corn, sugar beets, peaches, apricots, and cherries.
Since finding the estate 14 years ago, Sting and Trudie have taken great pains to restore the villa, outbuildings, olive groves and vineyards to their former glory, always respecting the history and architecture of the buildings and following organic and biodynamic principles of farming. The resulting beauty and atmosphere of Il Palagio leave their guests restored and transformed.
Having successfully produced very fine olive oil and honey for a number of years, Il Palagio is now enjoying similar success with its wine. The Super Tuscans Sister Moon, and Casino delle Vie, as well as the Chianti When We Dance, have been highly praised by wine lovers and critics, and the future of the vineyards is proving to be very exciting.