Mauro Veglio
長年にわたる家族の様々な提携により、ラ・モッラを中心にモンフォルテ・ダルバとバローロにまたがる好立地の19ヘクタールのブドウ畑を所有することになりました。その中には、バローロの5つの重要なクリュ(Menzioni Geografiche)、アルボリーナ、ガッテラ、カステレット、パイガッロ、ロッケ・デッランヌンチャータ)が含まれています。ブドウ畑では農薬や除草剤を使用せず、バローロの他にも、ランゲのネッビオーロ、バルベーラ、ドルチェット・ダルバといった偉大な赤ワインも造っています。
Situated a short drive from the stunning hilltop village of La Morra in Piedmont, northern Italy, the Mauro Veglio estate was founded in the 1960s by Angelo Veglio. Today it is owned and managed by Angelo’s son Mauro and his wife Daniela, along with Mauro’s winemaker nephew Alessandro.
Over the years, various family alliances have brought the estate’s vineyard holdings to 19 hectares of well-placed sites, predominantly in La Morra but also across Monforte d’Alba and Barolo. These include five important crus, or Menzioni Geografiche, of Barolo: Arborina, Gattera, Castelletto, Paiagallo and Roche dell’Annunziata. In the vineyards, pesticides and herbicides are eschewed. In addition to Barolo, the estate also vinifies other great reds of the Langhe: Langhe Nebbiolo, Barbera, and Dolcetto d’Alba.
Rooted in a viticultural and winemaking philosophy of sustainability and drinkability, there is a great purity of expression across the crus. The wines are inoculated with wild, native yeasts and the winemaking team favours short and controlled macerations with minimal sulfates and less that 30% new oak.
The resulting wines are concentrated yet balanced – bright and perfumed with texture and soft fruit making them excellent for early and medium-term drinking.

Mauro Veglio / Barbera d'Alba 2020

Mauro Veglio / Langhe Nebbiolo Angelo 2020

Mauro Veglio / Barbera d'Alba Cascina Nuova 2019

Mauro Veglio / Barolo 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Gattera 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Paiagallo 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Arbolina 1500ml 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Casteletto 1500ml 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Paiagallo 1500ml 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Riserva Rocche dell'Annunziata 1500ml 2016

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Gattera 1500ml 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Casteletto 2018

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Arbolina 2019

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Riserva Rocche dell'Annunziata 2017

Mauro Veglio / Barolo Casteletto 2019