The Prà Company is a family managed winery situated in Monteforte d'Alpone, in the very heart of the Soave Classico District. The steadfast point of Pra lies in its product quality, typicality, authenticity, and on the firm decision of not using any chemicals in the agriculture choice. This, along with Pra's passion, experience, and obstinacy, has had an important role in placing our wines among the best interpreters of the Soave wine as reported in many international guides.
The vineyards cultivated on these poor soils of high hill grow with fatigue, offering a very low yield and therefore grapes of high quality. The vineyard is cultivated with organic methods to ensure a natural wine of the highest quality. Purity is a fundamental concept for us in our continuing pursuit for sustainable agriculture, respectful of the environment, and of the dignity of those who contribute to its preservation.