Bodegas Muga
Bodegas Muga / Torre Muga 2015
ボデガス・ムガ / トレ・ムガ 2015
醸造: 6ヶ月伝統的なリオハの木の発酵槽で発酵、熟成後18ヶ月フレンチオークの新樽で熟成、さらに最低12ヶ月瓶熟。
Black-cherry color with dark garnet hues at the edge. On the nose, it reflects the perfect ripeness of its grapes and the elegance of its wood, with first fine spicy aromas coming to the fore and then jammy dark-berried fruit, as well as balsamic and mineral nuances. Profound on the palate, lively yet silky-smooth tannins, full of flavor, supple, and long in the finish.
Varietal: 75% Tempranillo, 15% Mazuelo 10% Graciano
Bodegas Muga
ボデガス・ムガは1932年にイサック・ムガ・マルティネスによって設立された家族経営のワイナリーです。リオハのワイン産地の中心部、バリオ・デ・ラ・ スタシオンに位置し、現在は3代目が伝統を受け継いでいます。畑はリオハ・アルタにあり、細心の注意を払ってブドウ栽培を行っています。手摘みで収穫した ブドウは厳しく選果をした後、除梗をします。ムガでは伝統的な手法を貫き、発酵から熟成まで全て樽を使用しており、発酵用のセラーには90個の木樽の発酵 槽が設置されています。
スペインでは珍しく、3人の樽職人を雇い、品種やワインのタイプに合わせで全て手作業で樽を作っています。澱引きは全て重力に沿っ ておこない、清澄には卵白を使用します。伝統を重視することがワインそのものを重視することでもあると考えています。
Bodegas Muga is located in the historical Barrio de La Estacion (railway station district) in Haro. The facilities (270,000 square feet) are two centuries old, built mainly of stone and oak. In fact, oak is paramount in the winery. There are 200 oak deposits as well as 14,000 barrels, made out of different types of oak ranging from French oak (Allier, Troncais or Jupilles), American, Hungarian, Russian, and even a small consignment of Spanish oak.
The Muga family always uses the finest materials and is open to new techniques that provide greater quality without losing authenticity. The Mugas favor traditional procedures to produce each of their wines. Through the natural process of fining, the suspended particles that appear in the wine are eliminated. Decanting is carried out by the traditional method of gravity flow, and Bodegas Muga is the only cellar in Spain with a master cooper and three in-house barrel-makers.