Sellection Massale
セレクション・マッサール(Selection Massale)とはフランス語で、伝統的なブドウ畑の増殖方法を指し、ブドウ畑を開墾する際や新たに植樹をする際に特定のブドウの木から選抜することです。シングル・クローンの植樹が普及する以前は、樹齢の高いブドウ畑の中に、かなりの遺伝的多様性が存在することも珍しくなかった。セレクション・マッサーレは、このコンセプトに敬意を表して名付けられました。
12カ国以上に輸出されているセレクション・マッサールは、ビオグロ・ニュージーランド(BioGro New Zealand)のオーガニック認証を受け、サステイナブル・ワイングローイング・ニュージーランド(Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand)のサステイナブル認証を取得しています。
Selection Massale was founded in New Zealand in 2021 by Dan Gillett to service a demand for high-quality, local, organic wines. The label comprises a selection of unique, organic-certified wines from fine vineyards throughout New Zealand.
Selection Massale is a French term used to describe the traditional method of vineyard propagation and involves making a selection of particular vines within an established vineyard and using this as the genetic stock to plant a new one. Before the widespread use of single clone planting, it was not uncommon for considerable genetic diversity to exist within any well-established vineyard. Selection Massale was named to honour this concept.
Stylistically, all the Selection Massale wines are serious and well-made. They speak to the vineyard, the variety, and the region they come from. Characterized by quality, purity, and stability, the wines offer exceptional value and are designed to be shared and enjoyed by all audiences.
Exported to over a dozen countries, Selection Massale is certified organic by BioGro New Zealand and certified sustainable by Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand.

Sellection Massale / Marlborough Chardonnay 2023

Sellection Massale / Marlborough Orange 2023

Sellection Massale / Marlborough Pinot Gris 2023