Luciano Sandrone
Luciano Sandrone / Barbera d'Alba 1500ml 2014
ルチアーノ・サンドローネ / バルベーラ・ダルバ 2014
生き生きとしたフレッシュなアロマに満ちています。フルボディでコクがあり非常にバランスが取れています。オーク由来のヴァニラと混ざり合った果実味が複雑、且つ滑らかな味わいを生み出しています。 地方:ピエモンテ 産地:アルバ 品種:バルベーラ100% 醸造:ステンレスタンクでマセレーション9日、発酵28日。500ℓの樽でマロラクティック発酵後ブレンドし、同じ樽で12ヶ月熟成、その後9ヶ月瓶熟。 This is a stunning Barbera from one of Barolo’s greatest producers. The year 2016 gave us harmonious climatic conditions, resulting in a Barbera that is both elegant and complex. It has an intense purple color with ruby highlights. The aromas are full and forward; first, there are scents of ripe red fruits of excellent maturity, with notes of cherries preserved in alcohol, prune plums, and jam. These are followed by soft aromas of cacao and spices such as black pepper, which in turn open to reveal ethereal notes of perfectly toasted oak. The palate is dry, warm, and full, and the continuing aromatics recall the initial fragrant notes of red berry jam. The bright acidity both frames and focuses the excellent drinkability. Varietal: Sauvignon Blanc 750ml、または1500mlがお選び頂けます。 Two sizes to choose from: 750ml or 1500ml.